Rizal T-Shirt Design 2

by - 4:56 PM

Another design that I made for Timothy Jase. I know. I know. This soooo not related with Rizal. But heeey!!! Don't just judge and try to read between the lines.

I kinda like the meaning it tells. Hihihi (I'm praising my own idea :P soo pathetic)
Okay now let's get back to business. This design tells us to maintain culture. I highlighted the MAIN in maintain because Culture is our M-A-I-N heritage! This is what distinguishes us from other countries. Our culture makes us filipinos unique. But now that we are in the modern world where computers, gadgets and gizmos are now ruling the minds of the people, i wonder what will happen to our culture? People nowadays divert their attention to technology and slowly forgets their own culture which scares me because maybe in the future, the culture of distraction might contaminate our minds,

So, before that happens, why don't we sit back and enjoy the beauty of our culture by maintaining it and passing it down to our children like what our forefathers did way back then. :')

Hahaha. Oh gosh, I suck at explaining. So many things that comes into my mind but I just can't arrange it very well through words. :P But yeah, i tried to share to you its meaning, I really really hope you've got my point. So I think I'll just end my blabbering here before I might write down a whole novel!! My gosh.

Question: How did you placed a photo collage in the word CULTURE?
Answer:  It's simple ;) I just grabbed some photos on the internet *googled: Filipino culture .

First Layer: CULTURE
Second and so on layer: PICTURES

Right Click the Second layer where you can find the picture. Then select

That's all folks :) I know there's a LOT of tutorials out there on the internet jungle which are really good and mine is a little confusing. Argggh. Please don't hate me. I'm trying my best to help. But I guess it's not working ehh?

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